A Day in the Life of Client Analytics and Insights

May 23, 2017

I’ve been a proud employee of Comlinkdata for over two years. I started as an Analyst on the Client Analytics and Insights Team (CAI), and a year later was presented the opportunity to take on more responsibility as a Senior Analyst. Prior to Comlinkdata, I worked as a Financial Control Analyst at JP Morgan in Delaware. So how does someone go from one of the largest investment banks in the world to a Boston based startup? It all started at America’s most beloved baseball park, Fenway. A conversation with a Vice President of CAI, a David Ortiz homerun, and a few months later, here I was. Comlinkdata offered me the opportunity and challenge of working with a vast, live, unique data set to optimize client’s strategies. I haven’t looked back since.

Steve DiGiuseppe, Manager, Client Analytics & Insights

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I’ve been a proud employee of Comlinkdata for over two years. I started as an Analyst on the Client Analytics and Insights Team (CAI), and a year later was presented the opportunity to take on more responsibility as a Senior Analyst. Prior to Comlinkdata, I worked as a Financial Control Analyst at JP Morgan in Delaware. So how does someone go from one of the largest investment banks in the world to a Boston based startup? It all started at America’s most beloved baseball park, Fenway. A conversation with a Vice President of CAI, a David Ortiz homerun, and a few months later, here I was. Comlinkdata offered me the opportunity and challenge of working with a vast, live, unique data set to optimize client’s strategies. I haven’t looked back since.

The Client Analytics and Insights team combines accurate data-driven insights with telecom expertise to provide our clients with the tools they need to optimize business strategies. We strive to understand what is currently happening in the market by using real-time insights to identify opportunities and threats. However, we take our analysis further by planning unique strategies that take advantage of the trends we identify. As an analyst on the team, my responsibilities include analyzing the data and developing stories based on these trends and industry changes. I also participate in client presentations, manage client deliverables, partner with our data operations team on new product development, and strive to thoroughly understand the work stream of my client to ensure that we deliver efficiently and effectively.

What’s a typical day like for the team? A day in the life of CAI begins with the data. As Matt Caplan, our Data Operations Analyst and IT Systems Manager explained, having a clean set of data is critical to our business. Our cloud-based, query-ready platform is the first stop for an analyst. Logging on in the morning gives all of us the ability to analyze trends and determine a promotion’s impact on the market. Our near real-time dataset creates the opportunity every day for a new insight on the ever-changing market.

And that’s where a ‘typical’ day ends. From there, our team proactively develops content, continues on-going projects and quickly reacts to market changes and client requests. Our projects can vary significantly in content and length. Analyses range from the impact of a weekend promotion to the potential market impact of a carrier bidding for spectrum at auction. Why did promotion ‘x’ perform better in these areas better than others? What type of customer switched for promotion ‘y’? These are the types of questions we answer and some of the market changes we anticipate.

Additionally, news can break at any minute that could affect our client. A single, 140 character tweet could have a large ripple effect in the wireless industry. The Client Analytics and Insights team must thoroughly understand Comlinkdata’s unique data set and constantly push our analyses to dive deeper into the stories it tells. Although each analysis is different, we all share one common goal: provide the best service and insights to help our clients be successful.

Want to know more about working here?
Please read these “A Day in the Life” posts

A Day in the Life of Data Operations

A Day in the Life of Research and Development

A Day in the Life of Client Analytics Insights